Theory of Economic Analysis test with the answers of the 3

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The theory of economic analysis test, 40 questions.

Problem number 1

Terms: What is the essence of the analysis of inverse matrices in the interbranch balance?

Answer student: They reflect the direct costs of all resources

They show the indirect costs of all resources

They reflect the total (direct and indirect) costs of all resources

They show the direct and indirect costs of extremely scarce resources

They reflect the direct and indirect costs of scarce resources

Problem number 2

Terms: How important factor is characterized by the use of static analysis of inter-regional input-output balances?

Learner Response: accounting interbranch relations in the region

Taking into account inter-regional relations in the interdisciplinary aspects

Taking into account intra-connections in the interdisciplinary aspects

Given the dynamic nature of inter-regional relations

Given the many factors of resource consumption

Problem number 3

Terms: What is the location of production technology of the analysis carried out on the basis of models of production location?

Learner Response: In substituting its limited evidence about where the location of enterprises and their capacity and comparing the results with optimal calculations

In fact in the substitution criteria and comparison of its values \u200b\u200bwith the best

All of the above

Problem number 4

Terms: What analyzed resources determine the need to implement dynamic analytical models?

Learner Response: Manpower


Renewable resources


Not limited type (non-deficient) Resources

Problem number 5

Conditions: On the basis of a balanced system of matrices is implemented sectoral analysis?

Learner Response: transport and freight industrial matrix blocks of finished products and all kinds of local raw materials

Manufacturing problems of dynamic programming matrix

Transport and transport-matrix blocks production of finished products and all kinds of local raw materials and the production of matrix problem of dynamic programming

Matrix general linear programming problem

Matrix investment markets

Problem number 6

Conditions: On the basis of what the matrix is \u200b\u200bcarried out a balanced regional analysis?

Learner Response: transport matrix investment markets

Matrix static and dynamic input-output balances region

Matrix problems of dynamic programming of resource allocation

Transport and production of matrices

Matrix general linear programming problem

Objective number 7

Conditions: On the basis of what the matrix is \u200b\u200bimplemented balanced interdisciplinary analysis?

Learner Response: Matrix static input-output model

Matrices of dynamic input-output model

Matrix static input-output model and the matrices of dynamic input-output model

Transport matrix investment markets

Transportation and manufacturing matrix problem of locating production

Task number 8

Terms: Which market model should be applied for the purposes of economic analysis at the federal level?

Answer student: Multi-factor correlation model

The dynamic macro model of expanded reproduction

Model the location of production and investment

Static model of interbranch balance

Regional input-output model

Objective number 9

Conditions: On the basis of what the models and matrices realized multilevel balanced analysis?

Learner Response: Matrix regional interbranch balance

Matrices of linear and dynamic programming of production location

Matrix general linear programming, simulating the process of production at the micro level

Dynamic macro model of expanded reproduction

All of these matrices and models

Problem number 10

Terms: What system of static input-output model to be applied for the analysis of the economy on the inter-sectoral level?

Learner Response: The system static model of interbranch balance issue P
Problem number 11

Terms: What methods of analyzing the structure of production are the most effective at the regional level?

Answer student: Analysis based on the placement of the dynamic macro model of expanded reproduction

The analysis on the basis of calculations of regional input-output balance

Analysis based on multivariate correlation models

Analysis based on the static input-output balance of construction

Analysis on the basis of a dynamic input-output balance of construction

Problem number 12

Terms: Which matrix implemented to analyze the company's budget?

Learner Response: The Matrix problem of dynamic programming

Matrix static input-output balance

The transport matrix linear programming problem

Matrix general linear programming problem

Matrix multivariate correlation analysis

Problem number 13

Terms: What methods of analyzing the structure of production are the most effective at the sectoral level?

Learner Response: Using the methods of solving the problems of locating production

On the basis of the solution macro model of expanded reproduction

Based on multivariate correlation models and methods

With production functions

On the basis of static input-output balance

Problem number 14

Conditions: What are the matrix used for the analysis of the regional budget?

Learner Response: The Matrix regional model

The transport matrix linear programming problem

Matrix general linear programming problem

Matrix of inter-regional input-output balance

Matrix dynamic macro model of expanded reproduction

Problem number 15

Terms: Which matrix implemented to analyze the budget?

Learner Response: The Matrix dynamic macro model of expanded reproduction

Matrix general linear programming problem

The transport matrix linear programming problem

Matrix regional input-output model

Matrix problem of dynamic programming

Problem number 16

Terms: What conclusions can be drawn based on the analysis of the model of production location?

Learner Response: paragraph rational distribution of enterprises

On the capacity of these enterprises

For a company to which supplies its products to the consumer and to what extent

What is the company to which the manufacturer supplies raw materials and to what extent

All of these conclusions at a time

Problem number 17

Conditions: What are the results given by the analysis based on regional input-output model?

Answer student: a balanced program of production in the region by industry

Volumes of export and import to the region each product

Direct and indirect costs of production within the region

Direct and indirect costs of production within the region

All of these results at the same time

Problem number 18

Terms: Which general economic criterion is analyzed at the level of the industry in a situation where given the market demand for its products?

Problem number 19

Terms: What conclusions do allow analysis using inter-output tables?

Problem number 20

Terms: At the expense of what is achieved in the analysis of the minimum investment problem of locating production?


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