+ К/р №2 пр англ, вар 1

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Контрольная работа 2
1. Переведите следующие пары предложений и укажите, в каких сообщается о действии (Passive Voice), а в каких о том, кто совершает действие (Active Voice).
1. a) The fresh-frozen fish are weighed on the scales and in the container.
b) The workers weigh the fresh-frozen fish and place the container.
2. a) We washed the defrosted fish carefully and sent them along for salting.
b) The defrosted fish were washed in the tank and sent along for salting.
3. a) In the smokehouse the fish are held at a temperature of 120 °C.
b) We hold the fish in the smokehouse at a temperature 120 °C for 90 minutes.

2. Измените предложения по образцу. Предложения переведите.
Образец: We received this information yesterday.
This information was received by us yesterday.
Эта информация была получена нами вчера.
1. The workers grade the salt fish on the belt conveyor and place them into pans.
2. We speak English in many countries in the world.
3. They dried the fish in the smokehouse.
4. The director signed this letter two days ago.
5. The engineers designed this production line for hot smoking

3. При помощи словаря дайте производные от следующих английских глаголов. Глаголы переведите.
to contain контейнер
to elevate элеватор
to smoke копчение, копченый
to convey конвейер, перенесенный
to include включая
to load загрузка, разгрузка
to salt засолка
to frost размораживать
to require требование
to design проектировщик, спроектированный

4. Переведите текст.
The fresh-frozen fish are weighed on the scales. The cases are then opened, and the fish placed in the containers in which they are conveyed to the defrosting tank by means of the electric telpher line. The defrosted fish are washed in the tank and sent along for salting to the machine.
On the belt conveyor the salt fish are graded and placed into pans, which are then carried on the conveyor to the table; the pans are then brought up in the elevator to the second tier and placed in pairs in the containers of the chain conveyor in the continuous smokehouse. In the smokehouse the fish are dried and held at a temperature 120 °C for 90 minutes. The total smoking cycle, including the time spend for loading and unloading, is 100 minutes.
The rated power for the line is 47 kW. In dealing with fresh-frozen fish, the requirements per shift for the line are: cold water 2.7 m, hot water 1,5m, steam for preheating the smokehouse 500 kg.

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. By what means are the fish conveyed to the defrosting tank?
2. How long are the fish held in the smokehouse?
3. What is the rated power for the line?