History, option 6


(Names of students beginning with F, G, T)

1. Arrange the events in chronological order:

1) the reign of Rurik in Novgorod

2) the baptism of Rus'

3) the reign of Ivan Kalita

4) The accession of Tver to Moscow

2. The Romanov dynasty established itself on the Russian throne as a result of:

1) the expulsion of the Poles and the Prince Wladyslaw

2) his gentility and accessories to Rurikovich

3) the outstanding achievements in the fight against the Polish-Swedish intervention

4) election of the Zemsky Sobor

3. Which of the title refers to the socio-economic development of Russia in the second half of XVII century.?

1) The appearance of the first manufactories

2) the emergence of the first fairs

3) development of the factory production

4) the emergence of the bourgeoisie

4. Establish communication between government officials and trained their reform:

1) Speransky d) convening of a representative body of the project

State Duma

2) A. Arakcheev g) the grounds of military settlements

3) N. Milutin b) preparation of the abolition of serfdom

c) the cancellation of the temporarily state peasants

4) M. Loris-Melikov a) drafting the convening of elected representatives of the Zemstvos

5. The three political changes 1860-1870-ies. They are:

1) formation Zemsky local government representatives from all classes

2) the introduction of the legal profession

3) the abolition of conscription

4) the creation of non-estate and public trial

5) the establishment of nationwide class-representative body

6. What are the characteristics of the reign of Alexander III:

1) The temporary abolition of censorship

2) establishment of strict administrative supervision over the press

3) the abolition of the Magistrates Court and the appointment of District Commanders only nobles

4) The abolition of university autonomy

5) The abolition of the jury and their replacement by the courts-martial

7. Match the social theory of the XIX century. and its main provisions:

1) "theory of official nationality" b) autocracy provides greatness and glory

2) Marxism in) the fight against the autocracy and the reliance on the working class

3) Populism a) Russia's future in the community socialism

8. The economy in Russia in the early XX century was characterized by a high level:

1) national income

2) production of goods per capita

3) government intervention in the economy

4) export of capital from the country

9. Place the events of the first Russian revolution, in chronological order:

1) Bloody Sunday

2) elections in I State Duma

3) the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin"

4) publication of the manifesto "On the improvement of public order"

5) the armed uprising in Moscow

10. Which of the political parties at the beginning of the XX century. I put forward the slogan of "socialization of the land"?

1) the Bolsheviks

2) Cadets

3) Revolutionaries

4) the Mensheviks

11. What is the goal pursued by PL Stolypin agrarian reform at the beginning of the XX century.?

1) to strengthen the peasant commune

2) To eliminate landlordism

3) increase peasant allotments

4) establish a prosperous peasantry support autocracy in the village

12. In favor of whom Nicholas II abdicated?

I) Tsarevich Alexei

2) his brother Michael

3) the Constituent Assembly

4) the bourgeois Provisional Government

13. What was the consequence of the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly?

1) establishment of a regime of dual power

2) the establishment of the military dictatorship of General Kornilov

3) participation of the SRs and Mensheviks in the Civil War on the side of the Whites

4) recognition of the legitimacy of the Western countries Bolshevik government

14. What is the title refers to the causes of the crisis management system i
13. On the issue of education, the formation of the ancient Russian state district in historical science there are two opposing views:

1) the majority of scientists believe that Kievan Rus was formed in the process of evolution of the Slavic community, on the basis of their Slavic;

2) others believe that statehood was brought to Russia from the outside, the Vikings and is not connected with the development of the Slavic community.

Give facts and arguments for and against these views.

14. What are the social structure, leaders, policy slogans Cadet Party at the beginning of the XX century.