Examination Descriptive Geometry 5_01-1990

Work done on the training manual for external students Frolova

Descriptive Geometry Engineering Graphics

guidance and control tasks

1990 edition.


KR 2, Pages 5.6, Tasks 7,8,9. Option 1

Coordinates for the problem 7 - 78 72 0 10 50 62 46 30 62 82 125 10 45 100

Coordinates for the problem 8 - 80 70 0 45 100 50 70 32 35

Presentation http://xn-------53daca2adiaahbcaxqqaq9b2agjfuiequrm1dbl1ogx2q.xn--p1ai/example/draw-haltura.nm.ru/dg/5_01-1990.html


Work done on the instructions of the manuals. Deviations only decoration: the file contains black-and-white image. File format TIFF, resolution of 200dpi -

It can be opened in Windows XP and printed without special programs.

Additionally - in the upper right corner of the drawings are my contact details that should be erased before printing, if you are going to take this

job "as is". For this operation, you can use any bitmap editor of Windows or Office.

Guaranteed to direct buyers to solve the problem correctly - 3 weeks after purchase (if there are any errors - I promise to fix).

The term fixes - 1 week.

Due to my lack of possible from July to October, to the warranty period and fixes added to this period (with overlap


The guarantee does not apply to the notation. In the old edition (1982). - Instead of capital letters used lowercase, and different numbering

(Indexation) projections. Similar variations may be in university publications, which are deducted from this Manuals.

In practice, this work has already surrendered, and no error was detected, though this is due, rather, not with my reliability, and the practice of casual inspection

the work of teachers.

If your high school manuals used another year of publication or issued by analogy with the above - double check your list of coordinates

option. According to the list of coordinates can look for other jobs. For example, this work can be found on request - "Descriptive Geometry 78 72 0 10".

Enter full list of coordinates and observe strict sequence - not necessarily, but before you buy, be sure to check the entire list.

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