Control of Remizov AN №1 "Medical Physics" H-II

Decisions Control №1 in physics at Remizov AN "Medical Physics" part II Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics.

The file provides solutions to Part II. The files jpg - solution to problems. The doc - answers to the theory. Answers to the theory chosen from several textbooks and secondary sites.
Terms problems:

Target 8.

8a. What is an ideal gas? What is the degree of freedom of molecular motion? How many degrees of freedom, accounts for 1 molecule: a) a monoatomic gas; b) the diatomic gas;

c) triatomic gas? Knowing that the average energy per degree of freedom of molecular motion in an ideal gas according to the theorem of uniform energy distribution over degrees of freedom equal to, (where T - the absolute temperature) to obtain an expression for the internal energy of an ideal gas, multiplying this value by the number of particles gas and the number of degrees of freedom per particle (for a monatomic gas, for diatomic - for three-atom.

8b. Assuming that the energy per one degree of freedom of molecular motion in an ideal crystal is kT, find an expression for the internal energy of an ideal crystal is similar to that required in p.8a.

Task 9. Learn textbook AN Remizov § 12.1. Solve the problem.

9a. Formulate the first law of thermodynamics, and see the amount of heat required for the commission of one mole of hydrogen expansion works of 10 J:

a) isobaric; b) isothermally.

9b. 1 mole of hydrogen has a starting temperature of 17S isochoric and heated on

t = 20S. Calculate the work gas, change of the internal energy and the required amount of heat.

9c. Find the amount of heat required for heating one mole hydrogen (see. P. 9b) on

T = 1 to: a) at constant volume; b) constant pressure - first in general terms and then considered for a particular situation. Make a conclusion about the ratio of Cp and Cv.

Problem 10. Study the textbook AN Remizov §§ 9.6 - 9.8.

10a. Give the definition of the surface tension of the liquid. Solve the problem: for the determination of the surface tension of the liquid weighed drops detached from the capillary and measure the diameter of the neck of a drop in the moment of separation. It appeared that the liquid drops 318 have a total mass m = 5 g and a diameter d = 0.07 mm. Find the surface tension of the liquid.

10b. Wire frame in the form of a rectangle with the lower movable side was immersed in a soap solution and then gently taken out, whereupon the wire is lifted off. In order to return the wire to its original position, it is necessary to slowly increase the surface area of \u200b\u200b103 mm2 and operation commit 7.2 • 10-5 J. Rate these data surface tension coefficient.

10c. Find the surface tension of the liquid density of 1 g / cm3, if the capillary d = 1 mm, it rises to a height of 32.6 mm.

Problem 11. Study the textbook AN Remizov §§ 9.1 - 9.3. Answer the questions.

11a. As expressed by the internal friction force acting between the two neighboring layers, moving with the speed and if the distance between the layers, and the area adjacent layers. The viscosity is also known . In what units it is measured and what is its physical meaning?

11b. Record Poiseuille's law and get the pressure difference across the ends of the tube radius

R = 1 cm and length = 1 m, needed to maintain the steady flow of water with a viscosity  = 0.001 Pa • s at an average speed

11c. Bulb density radius R = 1mm falls uniformly in water () at Rate these data viscosity of water.

Problem 12. Study the textbook AN Remizov §§9.1, 13.3, 13.4, str236 formula 13.16. Make a table, organize transport processes:

The process of transfer equation, quantities contained in it - they determine the cause of transfer

addition of the diffusion processes, the internal friction during the motion of the liquid or gas layers with respect to each other, electrodiffusion. What are the similarities of equations describing all the processes? Why in the right-hand sides of the equations has a minus sign?

Solve the problem: the temperature in the room, on the street - 0S. The distance between the panes 10 cm, the thermal conductivity of air