Английский, вариант 5 (LONDON UNDERGROUND)

Всего продано 1
Возвратов 0
Хороших отзывов 1
Плохих отзывов 0

I. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времён группы Continuous (Present, Past, Future) и группы Perfect (Present, Past, Future) в действительном и страдательном залогах. Выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы.
1. According to schedule, this train was due to arrive at 12.30, but because of track repair work, it is being delayed.
2. The passengers had been invited to get on the train and now they were exchanging farewells with those who had come to see them off.
3. China is planning to construct several thousand kilometers of high-speed lines for the transportation of 1.5 billion passengers and 2.1 billion tones of freight a year. Specific plans have been drawn up to upgrade the busiest main lines for semi-express train running at 160 km/h or express trains moving at 250 km/h. At the same time, the possibility of the train speed increase up to 350 km/h is being investigated.

II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную форму.
1. She (to tell – Past Indefinite Passive) in the enquiry office that the schedule of this commuter train ( to change – Past Perfect Passive). 2. Several newspapers (to report – Present Perfect Active ) that the Russian and Finnish governments (to discuss – Present Continuous Active) a project for the reconstruction of the Helsinki-St. Petersburg railroad known in Finland as the Eastern Railway. 3. The new three wagon Tank Train (to test – Present Perfect Passive) in severe winter conditions on the Alaska Railroad. 4. The construction of both the bridge and
the dam ( to complete – Future Perfect Passive) by the beginning of the navigation season. 5. At present 2,500 km of high-speed lines (to construct – Present Continuous Passive) in Europe and Asia.

III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, выбрав правильную форму сказуемого (Active or Passive).
1. The equipment (has packed; has been packed) already into boxes and now it (is loading; is being loaded) into the container. 2. Air-conditioning system always (maintains; is maintained) the optimum temperature and humidity in the carriage. 3. A new high-speed railway line (is building; is being built) in the Northwest of Russia now. 4. The flood (has caused; has been caused ) considerable damage to the railway track.

IV. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов. Подчеркните модальные глаголы в английских предложениях и в переводе.
1. Both direct and alternating current may be used on electrified railways. 2. Steel, which is used for the production of rails, must be of high quality. 3. If you have lost your credit card, you should declare about it immediately. 4. Two or more locos can be coupled and operated by a single crew. 5. The double-track railways are more convenient than single-track railways because the trains need not wait for the other trains to pass.

V. Образуйте от данных глаголов две формы Participle I. Полученные причастия переведите на русский язык.
Model: to read – a) reading – читая , читающий ;
b) having read – прочитав
1) to process; 2) to break; 3) to buy; 4) to pass; 5) to connect; 6) to know; 7) to require; 8) to fulfil; 9) to invent; 10) to take; 11) to tell; 12) to forbid; 13) to damage; 14) to sign; 15) to report.

VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle I в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Подчеркните причастия I в английских предложениях и в переводе.
1. The Oktyabrskaya Railway offers additional discounts for passengers traveling to Finland with children under the age of 17....
VII. Образуйте Participle II от глаголов, данных в скобках. Полученные словосочетания перепишите и переведите.
Model: a (to write) article – a written article – написанная статья.
1) the (to carry out) experiment; 2) freight (to deliver) 2 hours ago; 3) a wagon (to use) for the transportation of liquid goods; 4) new electronic devices (to display) at the exhibition; 5) (to ensure) minimum of service; 6) an (to overcrowd) bus; 7) fuel (to use) in jet engines; 8) a new Metro station (to decorate) with marble and bronze; 9) (to take) measures; 10) a driver (to fine) for over-speeding.

VIII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle II в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Подчеркните причастия II в английских предложениях и их перевод.
1. The research did not give the expected results because of the mistake in the computation. 2. The total length of the bridge built across the Volga at Saratov is about two miles. 3. The diesel-electric locomotive has an internal combustion engine connected to the driving wheels by electric transmission. 4. Signals installed at frequent intervals along the total mainline inform the engine drivers of the position of other trains. 5. If compared with electric locomotives, diesel locomotives have a higher maintenance cost.

IX. Перепишите предложения. Задайте общие вопросы и специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.
1. The mechanic replaced some out-of-date parts of this machine. 2. All the necessary information is stored in the computer. 3. The train covers the distance from Moscow to Samara in 20 hours. 4. This equipment should be carried in a boxcar for it requires protection against weather. 5. Automobiles were rare in the 19th century. 6. For some period of time one underground railway line in London was working entirely without drivers. 7. The workers have already inspected all coaches of this train.

X. Перепишите и переведите текст.
The London Underground (it is often called the Tube) is the oldest metro in the world. It has been used for passenger transporting since 1863. Nowadays the London Underground is the most popular means of city transport because it is relatively cheap, convenient, quick and safe. Its length is about 400 km. Every day the Tube carries over 2.5 million passengers. The total number of passengers carried by the Underground each year is enormous and it is constantly growing.
In the London Metro there are 11 underground lines, each of them has its own color. For example, the lines are called: Central (red), Circle (yellow), East London (orange), Metropolitan (dark brown), Northern (black), Victoria (light blue) and so on.
Only half of the trains go under the ground, new lines that connect London with its suburbs go over the ground. On such routes express trains are operated. They stop at a very few stations on their way that is very convenient for those people who live in the suburbs but work in the center of London. ....

XI. Ответьте на общие вопросы в соответствии с содержанием текста.
1. Has the London Underground been used since 1860?
2. Does the London Underground carry over 2,5 million passengers a day?
3. Do all Metro trains go under the ground?
4. Are all stations e quipped with escalators?
5. Was safety always one of the main concerns of London transport?
6. Can any accident happen through human error in the London Underground?
7. Is the number of passengers carried by the London Underground constantly growing?
8. Do express trains stop at all the stations on their way?
9. Are there twelve Underground lines in London?
10. Do all the underground lines have their own color?