+Английский, вар 5

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Контрольное задание №2
Вариант 5
1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемую по смыслу видовременную форму. В разделе Б обратите внимание на особенности пассивных конструкций. Переведите предложения на русский язык
А 1. Charles Dickens (wrote / had written) the novels about the life of the poor people.
2. You (have seen / will see) a place called the Poets' Corner in the southern part of Westminster Abbey.
3. We saw a lot of tourist attractions when our group (visits / visited) the capital.
4. The best of Kipling's prose works (is / will be) the Jungle Book.
Б 1. For centuries the country's greatest people (were / had been) buried in the cathedral.
2. King Henry III died in 1272 and (was/ has been) buried in the Westminster Abbey.
3. Westminster Abbey (is / will be) located near the Houses of Parliament.

2. Соотнесите функции Participle I и Participle II (А - Г) с номерами предложений. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
А. Participle I, определение.
Б. Participle I, обстоятельство +часть глагольного сказуемого в Present Continuous.
В. Participle II, определение + глагольное сказуемое в Past Simple.
Г. Participle II, обстоятельство.
1. The students admired the collection consisting of books, pictures and antiquities.
2. Visiting the museum you are becoming a time traveller.
3. When opened to the public the memorial drew great attention.
4. George II, the last King buried in Westminster Abbey died in 1760.

3. Выпишите из следующих предложений модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. You can visit Westminster Abby when you are in London.
2. On 16 November 2010 it was announced that Prince William and Catherine Middleton were to marry.
3. Thomas Hardy's heart was to be buried with his wife.
4. What should be done to preserve the historic monument?
5. I must buy the video of the Royal Wedding ceremony.
6. The tourists have to cross the bridge and they will see the Tower.
7. At the Abby you will be able to see the memorial of David Frost, a modern journalist and writer.

4. Прочтите 1 – 4 абзацы текста и выполните задания к ним.
1. If you are in London you must see the Westminster Abby*. Being a beautiful place of worship*, Westminster Abbey reflects the history of the United Kingdom. For centuries the country's greatest people have been buried here, including most of the monarchs from Henry III to George II, politicians, artists, poets, playwrights*.
2. Westminster Abbey has never been a cathedral. It is administered directly by the Crown. Every monarch since William the Conqueror*, the first Norman King of England, has been crowned here. Kings Edward V and Edward VIII were the exception. Edward V was never crowned. Edward VIII left the throne because of his marriage to Wallis Simpson, an American divorced woman.
3. The building itself is a beautiful sight. Described as a mixture of architectural styles, it is considered the finest example of Early English Gothic. The original church was built in the 11th century by King Edward the Confessor*, who is buried in the chapel behind the main altar. The church later made him Saint.
4. Apart from the royal graves, you will be able to see those of many famous people here. In Poets' Corner*, you'll find the resting places* of Chaucer*, Dickens, Hardy*, Tennyson and Kipling. Memorials to great British authors: Shakespeare, Austen, Brontë* etc. are most often attended by tourists. You'll also find the grave of Sir Isaac Newton.
5. Parts of the Abbey complex are free to visitors. This includes the 900-year-old College Garden. Near the abbey there is St Margaret's Church*. It has been the House of Commons' place of worship since 1614. In the neighbouring Abbey Museum you can look at the death masks* of the generations of kings and queens.
Задания к тексту
1. Укажите, в каких абзацах текста (1-4) содержится информация (A-D) .
A. Westminster Abbey is more a historical place than a church.
B. The memorials of many famous writers and poets are found in the Abby.
C. Visits to Westminster Abbey help to understand the history of Britain better.
D. Gothic style dominates in the Abby's architecture.

2. Выберите вариант завершения предложения соответствующий тексту:
King Edward the Confessor
A. …was buried in Westminster Abbey.
B. … was the only a royal saint.
C. … rebuilt St Peter's Abbey.
D. … was King of England from 1042 to 1066.

3. Укажите абзац, в котором говорится о Британских монархах, похороненных в Вестминстерском Аббатстве.

4. Абзац 4 рассказывает о(б)
A. …деталях оформления мемориалов знаменитых людей.
B.… знаменитых писателях, поэтах, ученых, похороненных в Вестминстерском аббатстве.
C. … истории открытий Исаака Ньютона.
D. …расположении и размерах Уголка Поэтов.

5. Переведите 1 и 5 абзацы текста письменно.