Контрольная работа №1 (МГУП)

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Контрольная работа №1
Text 1. Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing
1. Read the text.
Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing
The Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing offers training in editing, copyediting, selection standards, publishing procedures, graphics, printing technologies, and marketing and distribution of literature.
The certificate is an interdisciplinary, 25-unit program. Founded in 1984, the program has certified more than 120 students. Designed to provide professional training and career-oriented education to students in English and other areas of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, it also attracts majors in journalism, graphic arts, public relations, and other disciplines. Students learn the skills they need to begin successful careers in publishing by working on publications that demand professional standards and rigorous deadlines.
Students edit and produce Watershed, CSU, Chico's literary magazine, and work with creative writing students to produce literary chapbooks. They also serve as editorial assistants for Flume Press, the chapbook press affiliated with the certificate program, and work as interns with various publishers, including book publishers Dustbooks, Travelers' Tales, Paton Press, and Flume Press and magazine publishers such as Ride, Synthesis, Inside Out, and Upstate Business Journal.
The Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing program won a High-Quality Learning Environment grant in 2002 for its effective student-focused courses and projects.
Certificate Program Faculty

Все последующие задания выполняются письменно
3. Give the English equivalents from the article given above:
Обучение редактированию, техническому редактированию, подбору критериев, процедуре печатания, графике, технологиям печатания, продаже и распространению литературы; посещать кампус; журнал университета; делиться опытом; нанимать на работу; помогать в поиске работы; начинать работу; литературный журнал, поддерживаемый грандами; технический редактор; привлекать к журналистике, графике и другим дисциплинам; выпускники создали свои издания и журналы.

4. Answer the following questions:
1. What does the Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing offer?
2. When was the Certificate founded?
3. What do the students edit?
4. Who rule the faculty now?
5. What does the faculty assist in?
6. What are the graduates searching for?
7. Where do the graduates work?

5. Translate into English:
1. Неотъемлемой частью программы являются несколько действующих и профессиональных проектов.
2. Выпускники обычно ищут работу в печатной индустрии, и наличие сертификата помогает им.
3. Студенты учатся редактированию и на практике проверяют свои знания.
4. Каждую весну на факультете проходит семинар, на котором студенты обмениваются своими достижениями и опытом.
5. В состав руководства факультетом входят писатели и редакторы, заместители редакторов и учредители издательств.
6. Многие выпускники сами основали издательства, среди них и известные.
7. После получения сертификатов часть выпускников работают фрилансерами и их часто приглашают редактировать книги и статьи.

6. Compose the dialogues on the topics ( not more than 150 words):
1. The subjects in the the Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing programme.
2. What the students in the Editing Manuscripts for Publication course regularly edit.
Text 2. Scholarly Books and Journals
1. Read the text.
Scholarly Books and Journals
Editors of scholarly books and journals are of three types, each with particular responsibilities: the acquisitions editor (or commissioning editor in Britain), who contracts with the author to produce the copy, the project editor or production editor, who sees the copy through its stages from manuscript through bound book and usually assumes most of the budget and schedule responsibilities, and the copy editor or manuscript editor, who performs the tasks of readying the copy for conversion into printed form.
The primary difference between copy editing scholarly books and journals and other sorts of copy editing lies in applying the standards of the publisher to the copy. Most scholarly publishers have a preferred style guide, usually a combination of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and either the Chicago Manual of Style, the MLA Style Manual, or the APA Publication Manual in the US or New Hart's Rules [based on "Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford" (1893)] in the UK. Since scholars often have strong preferences, very often a publisher will ...

Все последующие задания выполняются письменно
3. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. The primary difference between copy editing scholarly books and journals and other sorts of copy editing lies in applying the standards of the publisher to the copy.
2. Most scholarly publishers have a preferred style guide, usually a combination of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and either the Chicago Manual of Style, the MLA Style Manual, or the APA Publication Manual in the US or New Hart's Rules [based on 'Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford' (1893)] in the UK.
3. Technical editing involves reviewing text written on a technical topic, and identifying errors related to the use of language in general or adherence to a specific style guide.
4. The 'technical' knowledge that an editor gains over time while working on a particular product or technology does give the editor an edge over another who has just started editing content related to that product or technology.
5. Revising is also another form of editing. It is looking for awkward sentences, run-on sentences, and in general parts of the paper that don't make sense to the editor.
6. A Book Editor is role within Book Publishing, which involves being a substantive editor, production editor and copyeditor all rolled into one
7. Skill is also needed in choosing the right fonts for text and headers, as well as the ability to use Computers and Software.

4. Give the English equivalents from the article given above:
Определенные обязанности; от рукописи до книги в переплете; применение стандартов издания к книге; состоять из правил; большинство издателей учебников; не имеет значения для редактора; определенный продукт; неуклюжие предложения; не иметь смысла; обладать ответственностью ха конечный продукт; содержание; опытные писатели; адаптировать разные стили для разных отраслей; все в одном; литературные навыки; любовь к книгам; заголовок; умение использовать компьютер и программное обеспечение.

5. Answer the following questions:
1. What types of scholarly editors do you know?
2. What does each of them do?
3. What is the difference of scholarly editors?
4. How do you define the technical editing?
5. What is a Book editor?
6. What should the Book editor possess?
7. How can you comment on the following: "Skill is also needed in choosing the right fonts for text and headers, as well as the ability to use Computers and Software"?

6. Compose the dialogues on the topics( not more than 150 words):
1. Where the graduates of the Certificate in Literary Editing and Publishing work.
2. What do you know about the book editor.